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The change is happening, toward a future where war is no longer exist, no one can abuse others for their own interest and there is no need when we can get what we want in this abundant future with new understanding of the science, or we will end by ourselves or others.

282nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - June 27, 2019 (21:39)https://youtu.be/5unl-PbvfiI?t=1299

Roberto de Almeida

There is no more space to tribalism thinking, and we don't need more fights, rebellions, wars. We need to put our energy on new mental models to co-create now better present-future perspectives. We need an ecocentric mindset. This planetism movement seems to me that is in the rigth direction with better values. I'm working in synergy promoting planetary health.


If there was one nation, one language and no religion we would have been able to interstellar travel if not even more by long long time ago. I am afraid though that we are not on top of the food chain : this fake reality we are living might be created by an evil alien species to keep us docile for the slaughter house. We are living in a chain of prisons, manipulation, deceptions ecc just like matrioskas. Religion is the biggest weapon of mass control, the shepherd and the sheeps. A pastor uses the sheeps and at the end kills them for food. By all seeing, all knowing all powerful ecc means that even our thoughs can be manipulated. If there are too many insects then spiders appear. Unfortunatelly we are just food and we don't even realize it since they are way too advanced an intelligent And Cruel. at the end, being alive means cruelty and suffering, that's the price you pay for it. There is just one species that does no harm to anything in order to survive, the bees, the rest are just parasites, from herbivores to carnivores ecc.

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